The reason why I find it so pertinent to include in our blog, such entry as, a visitor to our studio, is they in their own way contribute to the making of a Guy Stevens' painting. The love and appreciation they give propels the artist forward.
Yesterday we received a wonderful visit from Suyin. She is from Rhode Island. She was so taken with the work, it gave us a great lift. It's one of the gift of being artist, to observe others connect with the images. It literally brings the paintings to life and transport the viewer in a deeper often divine state. Sue said things like : "I'm in heaven". "I see Van Gogh, Monet, Chagall, Grandma Moses and more". She was also the second person in 24 hours who commented: "These paintings should be in the Metropolitan Museum of Art". The paintings helped her connect with her mother who is also an artist with very vivid dreams. It's such a gift to share with other beings the divine thread that sustains all life through paintings.
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